Welcome to the Lazy Dog Ranch!

We hope you will find inspiration, information and most of all humor as we share our adventures in advancing a more sustainable lifestyle in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Power Tools and the Joys of Recycling

Karl and I decided to take a break yesterday from outdoor work to focus on the projects which are currently taking up the car park spaces in the garage. 

Quiz of the day:    How many of you actually PARK your vee-hick-els in your garage?  It is a weekly struggle for us to keep that space open.  For those of you who are familiar with out garage, there is really NO EXCUSE.  And yet... the stuff just accumulates.

Karl's bay is currently hosting the " Chicken Tractor Factory " where he is working on our 3rd generation portable coops. The Ladies have torn up their last flower bed and we have determined that we must modify the "free range" space a little bit.   He is currently working on  A frame sleds- and will create a page with that when done.

My car bay is hosting the "Spring Outdoor Furniture Redo Extravaganza!"  The blue garden bench you see in some posts was one project finished.   I am now working on refinishing my Mom's old Smith and Hawken French Bistro Set.   We searched high and low for one and let me tell you- they don't make them like they used to ( for under $400.00)  So I figured with 8 bucks of paint, some sandpaper and elbow grease.... it can't be that hard.

As you may tell from the photo- sand paper did not cut it and I had to break out the grinder to get layers of paint and rust off. 

As I got into the groove I made an observation.... I was at peace- working with my hands restoring something that belongs to my mother and has been in our family for over 20 years.  Karl then pointed out to me that I was also using my dad's tools- and that made it all the more special.

One of the most important reminders of my father are his tools.  Dad was the quintessential Do- It -Yourselfer.  Before Lowes and Home Depot- there was Ace Harware and Moores.... I can recall many a Saturday he drug us around those stores only to press us into servitude when we got home.  My dad would tackle any project but engine repair.  As much as I HATED being the gopher for his tools, I learned invaluable skills and an appreciation of a good power tool.

So we spent a great evening in the garage, each working on our new projects which were each in their way meaningful to us.

Think about it next time you tend your couch potato garden-  is there something out there you have been meaning to work on?

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