Today I awakened in a despondant mood. Stressed about the ongoing human drama amongst employees during a rough work week- I found it difficult to force myself into "weekend mode". My cantankerous attitude drove my poor husband into the garage for solace. While moping inside I had an epiphany- " It is only my own self that is allowing worries in the workplace to rob my happiness of this day. I can't do anything until Monday so why am I worrying? "
So I reached deep, found my inner Scarlett O'Hara, and decided "I'll think about that tomorrow" . I grabbed the camera and forced myself outside, away from the looming paperwork, politics and crap we all have to deal with from time to time.
What did I find? CROCUSES! An tiny but to me a very monumental sign of spring after a very rough winter here in Haywood County.
So now I find myself thinking- "Work crap be damned- this is my weekend off and why am I allowing myself to be miserable?"
Nature has a way of helping me gain perspective. In that little crocus is the hope that I planted last fall- the reminder that time marches on, that in spite of adversity (be it weather or difficult people) that the sun will shine again, things will warm, and flowers will bloom.
Perhaps it is why so many of us garden? Nature does not grant us constancy in that everything we plant will grow- but allows us to hope that at least something will rise to bloom. Each Spring will bring the promise of new life- in every faith, in every religion literally springs hope at this transition of seasons.
So with that nature reality check I lift my face to the sun and give thanks that the cold winter is nearing an end and that no matter what the adversity that " this too shall pass"