The ladies came from near and far- all driven by a love of plants and a desire to share and acquire new specimens for gardens in Haywood Co, Winston-Salem and as far away as HotLanta!
I had the joy of hosting the annual plant swap this year and after a questionable morning, Saturday turned sunny with LOTS of wind.
The flurry of mulching, planting and weeding in the weeks prior was worth the effort- but I also had plenty of "Don't Plant This Demonstration Spaces" that I did not get around to polishing up prior to the party.... alas- there are only so many hours in a day!
After a wonderful potluck brunch- the girls walked around on a tour of the gardens and I was able to point out many of the plants shared from years past... there are pieces of my friends all over the gardens. What a great legacy to share - knowlege, plants and lots of ideas!
Now the swap is over and the new tender plants are in the ground- the work of the summer veggie garden looms ahead. The weather has been cold and rainy this week- hampering much needed work- but after years of drought- we can only afford to complain a wee mite.