Welcome to the Lazy Dog Ranch!

We hope you will find inspiration, information and most of all humor as we share our adventures in advancing a more sustainable lifestyle in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Chick-n-Vaseline and Dogs-r-Disgustin 1/3/2010

The day dawned COLD 12 degrees F. Apparently, we are in a cold snap and will not go above freezing before Tuesday – worst cold snap here in 70 years. It is so nice to have a heat pump! (haha) Can’t get the inside temperature over 63 degrees.

This morning Karl and I bundled up in our Carharrt Onesies, coats and headed out to GREASE THE LADIES. For you Chicken Neophytes- Heavy Breeds actually do well in the cold- but their combs, waddles and sometimes feet can be prone to frostbite. Coating the combs in Vaseline helps conserve heat and so this morning the ladies were greeted with a tag team- Karl- Grasp -Shannon- Grease routine until all combs, waddles and feet were coated. The ladies strutted around with gooey, shiny combs with feathers and straw stuck to their sticky feet in the morning cold.

After morning chores, the day was spent inside in warm clothing as the heat pump don’t work too well below 32 degrees.

For those of you who have dogs- I am sure you too are continually amazed at their disgusting habits. The constant licking of nether regions, poop eating...

Those of you who have Great Danes – or other floppy - lipped varietes can also identify with their ability to HIDE disgusting items in the mouth UNTIL they can come in the house and enjoy the fruits of their forays.

Daisy- our Dane – stays inside if the temps drop below 32 degrees –she has managed to convince us she will freeze to death inside the insulated dog run. After our evening walk to close the coop, she pranced in the house and to the rug where she proceeded to play. I thought with her new Christmas rope bone. When I went to sit and watch the news- imagine my horror when I found out her new ‘’toy” was a frozen RABBIT HEAD.

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